Last Thursday, October 10, 2019, the president of the Fundació Aeronáutica Mallorquina Miguel Buades, met in Paris with those responsible for French hydroaviation, led by Yves Kerherve (President) and Derry Gregoire (Vice-President)
Last Thursday, October 10, 2019, the president of the Fundació Aeronáutica Mallorquina Miguel Buades, met in Paris with those responsible for French hydroaviation, led by Yves Kerherve (President) and Derry Gregoire (Vice-President)
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
On Tuesday, September 28, 2019, the President of the Fundació Aeronàutica Mallorquina, Mr. Miguel Buades, accompanied by Mr. Alvaro Middelmann, representing the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Gaspar Ivars and Mr. Jesús Borja, as seaplane technicians.