I Flight in Porto Colom - I Splash-In 2012
I Flight in Porto Colóm
I Flight in Porto Colom - I Splash-In 2012
We return to the illusion, and again to treat hotels, lunches, dinners, transportation, etc.
The illusion has forged a beautiful meeting of seaplanes in the bay of Puerto de Pollensa
Once these first two supports were obtained, we prepared a meeting in Madrid with the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, since we depended on his approval, in order to hold this second meeting. The meeting to which the Mayor of Pollensa accompanied us, was totally satisfactory, full support for the meeting and all kinds of facilities for holding it.
We had also prepared to screen two films on seaplane themes, but after multiple efforts, we could not find any film that could fit into this section.
III Splah-In 2015
For the IV Splash-In of 2017, we had prepared a nice meeting for our visitors, but reasons external to the Fundacio Aeronàutica Mallorquina, prevented the celebration of this great international event.